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Dental Visit FAQ

Visiting one of the Eckland Family Dentistry locations for the first time? Here are frequently asked questions for your dentist.

How often should I go to the dentist?

Don’t wait to see a dentist until you notice a physical problem with your teeth. By getting preventive treatment, you avoid the potential for greater dental health issues down the line. We recommend you visit us every six months for your routine cleaning and oral exam.

Do I need to floss my teeth?

Absolutely. Flossing diminishes the possibility of developing harmful bacteria in your mouth. It also allows you to get in the hard to reach places between the teeth that cavities love to form in. Flossing can help reduce cavity prevention, prevent halitosis, and create an overall healthier mouth!

How often do I need to floss and brush my teeth?

For a healthy smile, you should floss your teeth at least once per day and brush your teeth twice a day, morning and night. It’s important to get into a good oral hygiene routine so that it’s second nature to brush and floss since it’s an every day occurrence.

How can I prevent cavities?

To reduce bacteria and the possibility of developing cavities, aim to brush your teeth between two and three minutes for each brushing session. Be mindful of consuming too many sugary and sticky foods as well. Finally, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth after meals.

How do I fix my bleeding gums?

Inflamed, bleeding gums may be a sign of gingivitis or gum disease. If your gums are bleeding, schedule an appointment with your local dentist to determine the best treatment option for you. Additionally, other factors can be a cause. Make sure to explain to your dentist if you are on any new medications, are pregnant, or if anything major with your oral hygiene routine has changed. 

What is fluoride?

Fluoride is a natural mineral found in certain foods and water. Fluoride is crucial to improving dental health because it can prevent tooth decay and possible bone loss. Using fluoride toothpaste, for instance, can better protect your tooth enamel from acid attacks due to plaque buildup. 

What is the purpose of dental X-rays?

Detecting dental issues early will save you time, medical expenses, and general discomfort in the long run. Dentists need to perform X-ray exams to detect and treat possible problems in the mouth, such as:

  • Tooth decay
  • Areas of decay within existing restorations
  • Bone infections
  • Gum disease
  • Cysts
  • Tumors
  • Other abnormalities

Which dental services do you provide?

We are proud to offer our patients preventive care. For more information on each of our dental services, visit the corresponding page here.

What else should I ask my dentist?

Have a question for one of our dental offices in Everett, Redmond with Dr. Kale or Dr. Colby, or Woodinville that you don’t see answered? Contact your local dentist in Washington! Our team will be happy to assist you.