Oral Cancer Awareness Month

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April is oral cancer awareness month, and it’s also the perfect time to have someone check up on your oral health.

What Is Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer is a term that encompasses cancer of the mouth, throat, and sinuses. These growths frequently go undetected for a long time, which allows for them to grow and spread to other parts of the body.

In many cases, this cancer is diagnosed too late. Once this cancer spreads, the five year survival rate is only 65%. Those who do survive the cancer often find themselves left with disfiguring scars from surgery, and they may have difficulty eating or drinking. The further the cancer spreads, the lower the survival rate becomes.

Who Gets Oral Cancer?

Most cases of oral cancer are diagnosed in men over the age of 50. However, everyone is capable of developing oral cancer, and everyone should get screened. Risk factors that increase your chance of developing oral cancer include:

  • Smoking and vaping
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Poor diet
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • A family history of oral cancer
  • Certain strains of HPV
  • Poor use of sunscreen

How Can I Prevent Oral Cancer?

The best way to prevent oral cancer is to fix your habits. While family histories cannot be rewritten, you can cut risk factors out of your life. Stop smoking, practice healthy habits, and avoid excessive alcohol use.

In addition to these preventative measures, you’ll also want to consult with the experts in dentistry. Schedule a dentist appointment today! Your local dentist at Eckland Family Dentistry located in Woodinville, Redmond with Dr. Kale and Dr. Colby as well as Everett is trained to screen for the disease, and early detection is the key to survival. When the cancer is caught in its early stages, the five year survival rate is 85%, and surgical intervention is minimal.

A dental checkup is also a great chance to reevaluate your oral health.  Ask your dentist about how you’re doing! We’ll be able to recommend products and methods to keep your teeth looking fresh for years to come!

Remember: screening is the best way to catch oral cancer early. The sooner it’s noticed, the easier it is to treat!

How to Choose a Cosmetic Dentist in Washington

how to choose a cosmetic dentist

Much like the rest of your body, your teeth play an essential role in your day-to-day life. Unlike the rest of your body, however, your teeth don’t heal or regenerate, so any damage tends to be permanent. Bad brushing habits and injuries often lead to chipped and discolored teeth, and while you can live with more minor blemishes, the effect isn’t just cosmetic.

Let’s face it: your smile can have a huge impact on how you see yourself. Though it may seem small, a crooked smile or a chipped tooth can harm your self-esteem and undermine your confidence. To take that confidence back, it’s worth investing in a cosmetic dentist. However, before committing to a treatment, you should be sure to find the right dentist for you. Here are a few things you should consider when choosing a cosmetic dentist in Washington.

Finding a Cosmetic Dentist

First of all, consider the quality of the treatment you’re receiving. While the convenience of going to a local dentist is obvious, the quality of cosmetic dentistry near you may not be on par with other offices. Remember, it’s better to undergo a quality treatment now than to spend years fixing a shoddy treatment. Do your research, read reviews, and ensure the dentist you’ve settled on can meet your standards.

Why Do You Need a Cosmetic Dentist?

It’s easy to hear the word “cosmetic” and write cosmetic dentistry off as unimportant, but this simply isn’t the case. A good cosmetic dentist can practically erase the years of wear and tear showing on your teeth, almost seeming like it wasn’t there in the first place. Not only will it restore your confidence, but it’ll also convey a sense of professionalism and cleanliness to others as well, amplifying your natural charisma. An appealing smile is just a step away with the proper dental procedure.

Scheduling an Appointment

If you’ve decided cosmetic dentistry is the right choice for you and want to entrust your treatment to Washington’s best, there’s no time like the present to schedule an appointment with Eckland Family Dentistry in one of our four convenient locations: Redmond with Dr. Kale or Dr. Colby, Everett, and Woodinville! We prioritize quality treatments and ensure that each of our patients leaves with the smile of their dreams.

The Benefits of Botox in Dentistry

benefits of botox in dentistry

While you may only think of Botox as a beauty product, it can actually be quite useful in dental care. The same properties that allow it to reverse aging can reduce tension, allowing other dental procedures to be as effective as possible. However, most have a number of questions regarding the use of Botox. How does it work? What are its uses? Is it safe? To help you decide if Botox is right for you, consult with your local dentist and enjoy some of our answers to common questions below.

How Does Botox Work?

Derived from the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum, Botox is most commonly used as a cosmetic. However, it has a wide variety of medical purposes, such as treating muscle spasms, migraines, and other nervous disorders. By binding to nerve endings, it inhibits the release of certain neurotransmitters that cause excessive muscle tension, forcing them to relax.

Is Botox Safe?

The bacterium Botox is derived from has the potential to lead to botulism, which is naturally concerning to some people. However, there’s no need to worry! The bacterium goes through a series of extractions and purifying processes, ensuring that it’s completely safe for human consumption by the time it reaches the consumer. Through this process, its effects are dulled, allowing it to simply relax the muscles without any of its harmful downsides. As such, you can enjoy the benefits of Botox without any concern!

However, it’s still important to make sure the person giving you your botox surgery is certified to do so. As with any medical procedure, Botox can be dangerous if done by someone without the necessary knowledge or expertise. As such, be sure to do your research before you decide who you want to administer your treatment.

Uses of Botox in Dentistry

So, how is Botox used in dentistry? Typically, it’s used to treat dental disorders involving muscular hypertension that leads to excessive jaw clenching, as well as the migraines that often result from doing so. However, it’s by no means a standalone treatment, so you should work with your local dentist to establish a treatment plan.

If you think Botox is right for you and want to entrust your treatment to the best, come visit us at Eckland Family Dentistry! We have a total of four locations, with Kale Eckland and Colby Eckland’s offices in Redmond, as well as our Everett and Woodinville offices, each of which is held to an immaculate quality standard to ensure your treatment is as efficient and effective as possible. No matter the issue, you can be sure Eckland Family Dentistry has it covered.

Optimal Sleep and Oral Health Go Hand in Hand

oral health and sleep

We can all agree that a good night’s sleep is something we all aspire to have. Did you know that your oral health plays a big impact on your sleep? That’s right! If you have noticed you’re sleeping more poorly than before or you’re having dental issues or waking up with a dry mouth it may be time to visit your local dentist

  • Dry Mouth: Do you find yourself waking up with a dry mouth despite having brushed before bed or drinking enough water during the day? This can be cause for concern because your saliva is unable to do its job. Saliva is essential to break down bacteria and prevent tooth decay.
  • TMJ: Are you noticing clicking or popping noises in your jaw, a change in your bite, and more seriously a locking sensation of your jaw? If so, it’s imperative to bring this up to your dental team immediately. 
  • Teeth Grinding in Children: Children who grind their teeth knowingly or unknowingly can be a cause for concern. It could be an indicator of complications with airways and breathing. Leaving this issue unresolved could lead to long term effects and even sleep apnea.
  • Difficulty Breathing: If you are experiencing multiple bouts of breathing issues it’s important to mention this to your dentist so that they can get a proper idea if it is due to your oral health. A follow up with your healthcare provider is also a great idea.
  • Bruxism: Grinding your teeth may go unnoticed if you do so in your sleep. That’s why seeing your dentist regularly can help your teeth remain in tip top shape if you’re a teeth grinder. 

Scheduling an appointment with Eckland Family Dentistry in Woodinville, Redmond with Dr. Kale, Redmond with Dr. Kolby, or in Everett can help answer your questions and set you up for success. Getting an inside look at your teeth and doing a thorough exam can help dentists determine the next steps for your best oral health. This could include a mouth guard, brush tips and much more. It’s time to restore your night’s sleep and improve your oral hygiene, schedule your appointment with Eckland Family Dentistry to make that happen!

Tooth Safe Snacks for National Snack Month

turron is a great snack

As February draws to a close, so, too, does National Snack Month. However, that doesn’t mean that you need to stop snacking! An occasional snack is a great way to give yourself a boost during a tough day.

However, everyone has been primed about the dangers of overeating. You’ll probably be more aware of what you’re snacking on than previous generations. Between counting carbs and taking stock of the nutritional value of these treats, many people fail to recognize an equally important aspect of snacking: tooth health! That’s why instilling good oral hygiene, keeping up with biannual dental exams, and flossing daily can help keep your teeth in tip top shape.

A Mouthful of Snack Impacts

Like any food, snacking leaves debris on your teeth. Because it is often done at odd hours, snacks also tend to sit on your teeth for much longer than breakfast or dinner. This offers the food particles more time to really dig into your enamel.

This enamel loss might seem minor, but it can really build up over time. Enamel is the first line of defense against cavities and bacteria. If you fail to control this loss, your healthy smile may end up riddled with cavities! To keep that smile sparkling, you want to keep your enamel from wearing away.

You can combat this by being aware of what you’re snacking on. A glass of water after each snack will help wash away any harmful debris. If you’ve had a particularly sweet or acidic snack, such as a grapefruit, consider brushing your teeth afterwards. Using fluoride-based mouthwashes will also help strengthen existing enamel.

Smile-Friendly Snacks

So, what makes the perfect tooth-friendly snack? Ultimately, anything is a good snack, so long as it is eaten in moderation and followed with proper aftercare. Be sure to floss and rinse your mouth out after each snack, and try to avoid eating too many sugary treats. If you’re looking for some dentist-approved snacks, then here are some of our top picks:

  • Lupini Beans (also known as Lupin beans)
  • Rye bread crisps, a popular Russian snack
  • Leipäjuusto, also known as Finnish squeaky cheese
  • Turrons (just brush your teeth afterwards!)
  • Chips with reuben dip
  • African potato fritters, known as maakouda

Aside from proper dieting and dental habits, don’t forget to visit your local dentist regularly! Eckland Family Dentistry in Redmond with Dr. Kale or Dr. Colby, Everett, or Woodinville clean your teeth and make sure your smile sparkles for years to come. Give us a call or drop by in person to get a professional tooth checkup.

5 Tricks for Healthier Teeth in the New Year

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As the new year is fast approaching, now’s the time when many begin to think about their New Year’s resolutions. If you struggle to maintain your dental hygiene, there’s no time like the present to start improving. Though it may not seem like it, your dental health has a drastic effect on the rest of your body, so if you aren’t already, get to polishing up that smile! Here’s a few tips from Eckland Family Dentistry to get you started.

1. Establish a Brushing Routine

This may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised to learn how many people neglect consistent brushing. Plaque eats away at your enamel, leading to cavities and gum disease, and once that enamel is gone, it won’t grow back, leaving you even more vulnerable. Combat this by brushing twice a day for two minutes, as well as flossing at least once a day.

2. Switch to Fluoride

You may see toothpaste companies boast about their fluoride toothpaste, but why? Toothpaste is toothpaste, isn’t it? Surprisingly, you’d be wrong. Fluoride is known for its enamel-strengthening properties, so using fluoride toothpaste not only stops plaque buildup, but makes it more difficult for cavities to set in.

3. Electrify Your Routine

Another common misconception is that there’s no need to invest in an electric toothbrush. It seems reasonable, considering the difference in price. In reality, however, it’s one of the best purchases you can make. Because of their rapid vibrations, electric toothbrushes are able to do most of the brushing work for you, and do it better. In addition, when the head wears out, you can simply replace it instead of throwing out the entire brush, making it even better for the environmentally conscientious buyer.

4. Drink More Water

While this is just good life advice in general, it’s also relevant to your dental health! As it’s sugar-free and PH-neutral, it won’t wear away at your enamel like soda or coffee, and can help to dislodge debris stuck in your teeth.

5. Check in With Your Dentist

Dentist appointments aren’t just for cavities and fillings! Even if you keep up with your brushing routine, plaque can still set in, eventually hardening into tartar buildup, which can’t be removed by normal means. Regular dentist appointments 1-2 times a year can combat this, getting rid of the buildup, scanning your teeth for potential issues, and getting pointers on how to better take care of your pearly whites. So whether it’s a procedure, a routine checkup, or even just hygienic pointers, feel free to stop by one of Eckland Family Dentistry’s office in Redmond with Dr. Kale, Everett, Redmond with Dr. Colby, or in Woodinville we’re happy to help!

Bleeding Gums – Should I be Worried?


Are your gums bleeding while brushing and or flossing? Don’t worry just yet! A few things could be playing a role so let’s narrow them down and get to the bottom of it! Then we will see if it’s time to contact your dentist at Eckland Dentistry in Woodinville, Redmond with Dr. Kale or Dr. Colby, and Everett and make an appointment.

Dental Care Routine: 

Has it been a while since you’re flossed? If it is, it’s no wonder your gums are irritated. This is because you’re performing an invasive cleaning routine that you haven’t in some time. The same is true if you have changed from a soft bristle to a firm bristle brush. The more you continue to practice these oral hygiene routines the more your gums will adapt.. However, if they continue to bleed it may be time to seek help from your dentist


Are you experiencing swollen, sore, and sensitive gums? Gums that bleed during or after you floss and brush? It could be Gingivitis. Gingivitis is the precursor to gum disease and isn’t something to take lightly. Gingivitis occurs when plaque remains on the teeth at the gumline and then infects the gum tissue. You have to address gingivitis before it develops into gum disease and target the problem while it’s reversible. Make an appointment with your dentist if you suspect you have Gingivitis and try honing in on your oral hygiene routine. 

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Has your health been a concern lately? Maybe you’re experiencing a few symptoms and now all of the sudden your gums are bleeding. It’s possible that your gums can be bleeding as part of a preexisting illness. It is even more likely that your gums could be bleeding due to side effects from current medications. If you are taking a new medicine or if you are experiencing bleeding gums with other symptoms it may be time to consult your dentist and physician to discover the source of the problem. 


It may not be something that is in the forefront of your mind when you’re expecting big things.. congratulations! Pregnancy Gingivitis tends to fall to the wayside. It shouldn’t though, because it’s real and can and does happen to many women. Hormones are changing and these changes affect our bodies reaction to bacteria in the mouth. It’s important to continually practice good oral hygiene habits (especially the women with morning sickness) and to see your dentist regularly for scheduled dental cleanings

Bleeding gums can be a result of a few things. That means there’s no reason to worry right away. Stop and think about your oral hygiene routine and if there are any contributing factors to your bleeding gums. If you’ve gone through the checklist and the bleeding is persistent and severe it’s time to consult your local dentist at Eckland Family Dentistry and set up an appointment to combat dental disease.

Back to School & Back to the Dentist

back to school dentist redmond woodinville and everett wa

Back to school means back to the dentist! Huh? That’s right! Back to school dental visits should be added to your back to school checklist. Did you know that dental disease causes children to miss more than 51 million school hours each year? That’s why it’s tantamount to schedule your back to school dental visit with Eckland Family Dentistry before heading back to school. Here are a few tips for back to school smiles!

Be Ahead of the Game

It’s easy to lose track of time with all the summer fun! Between events, pool parties, and backyard barbecues visits with the dentist are long forgotten. School season always sneaks up when we least expect it leaving families trying to schedule during August, which is one of our busiest months here at Eckland Family Dentistry. To be ahead of the game and save your date, call your dentist at the beginning of summer schedule the appointment well in advance!

Start them Young

Teaching children about oral hygiene while they’re young sets them up for a successful future. Enforcing a beneficial hygiene routine enables children to create good habits and good oral health – what a win! We recommend starting as soon as that first baby tooth pops through and reminding your children to brush twice a day and to floss as well. Wondering about your child’s specific age, not to worry – here’s a breakdown:

Six and Under:

Being independent is everything at this age. They want to do everything by themselves and while we totally get it, it comes with a caveat too! Letting them brush independently allows them to practice good brushing technique and feel independent. However, we recommend following up behind them.

Following behind our children can help get those new teeth and hard to reach places that weren’t there a few months ago. As their mouth grows we have to encourage their independence while also encouraging optimal oral health!

7-12 years

This is the age where children know how and what to do when it comes to brushing and routine. It’s no surprise that they may give a little pushback but reminders about the significance or oral health and routine are necessary. The old adage monkey see monkey do, exists for a reason! If they see mom and or dad continuing healthy practices it’s more likely that they will too!

12-18 years

Certainly one of the more crucial times for dental health. In this age range we typically notice that children start to have that feeling of invisibility. The “it can’t happen to me” mantra. Therefore, children who may not have had a cavity by now think their teeth will remain perfect no matter what. As children become more involved in extracurriculars, school work, and social circles they tend to cut back on things like flossing and brushing. As parents it’s important to help them understand that these habits carry over to their adult years. Encourage them to make well informed dental decisions for the now but also for their futures.

Forget the Fears

Are you a parent with dental anxiety? We know you, we see you, and we don’t judge you. We’re here to help smiles of all ages from your kids to you! Children can easily sense the changes in their parents whether it’s body language, tone of voice or facial expressions. That’s why it’s important to model for your children. Even if you are having some dental fear, put on that smile and fake it until you make it!

Get on their level

Children can become upset at their visit which usually results in mom or dad getting frazzled, or leaving before the teeth are even assessed. This reinforces negative experiences at the dentist making that next visit far more challenging. Try to remember that having fears is common! Sometimes we need to get on their level and try to understand the behavior. Are they acting out to get to you a rise out of you, to get what they want, or are they acting out because this is a new experience or an experience that they feel no control over.

At Eckland Family Dentistry in Redmond with Dr. Kale or Dr. Colby, Everett, and Woodinville we work with you to help make this your experience the best it can be. If your child is acting out, don’t worry we understand. We want to work together with you as a team to make sure your child feels at ease, their teeth can be examined and cleaned, and that your child wants to return.

Five Tips for Choosing a New Dentist

Home hero


You wouldn’t buy something off of Amazon that has bad reviews, right? Why should your dentist be any different? Check the reviews of your dentist on Facebook, Google my Business, etc. for what their patients have to say about them. Additionally, ask your friends, family, coworkers and the like what they have heard or experienced with your dentist to make sure their reputation is reputable. Eckland Family Dentistry has a renowned reputation and has been operating for several years. The best part about Eckland Dentistry is that we have had to do little advertising, because word of mouth has done it for us and created life-long valued customers. 



Life is busy. Especially when you’re trying to juggle life, extra curricular activities, drinking enough water, having a social life, and scheduling appointments on top of that. Take the hard work out of finding your dentist by finding an office that is close to you or your work. Is there anything more convenient than having your dentist’s office in four major locations? We don’t think so! Here at Eckland Family Dentistry we have four different office locations throughout Seattle to make traveling to and from as convenient as possible. Our offices are located at Redmond (Colby & Kale), Everett, and Woodinville.



If someone is working on your teeth you want them to be experienced and intelligent, right? Absolutely! That’s why dentists go through copious amounts of schooling and testing so that they can be the best at their craft. The dentists at Eckland Family Dentistry not only value their education, they continually attend seminars and classes at the renowned Kois Center Institute to enhance their skills. 


Insurance Coverage

You want to make sure that you’re getting the most bang for your buck and we don’t blame you! Making sure your dentist is covered by your insurance is essential in finding care that not only fits you but also fits your budget. Here at Eckland Family Dentistry we take several insurance options! Want to see if you’re covered? Give us a call today!



Schedule a Consultation

It’s important to make sure all of your questions are heard and answered. That’s why you shouldn’t shy away from calling or coming in before your visit. Asking questions helps you get a sense of who will be performing your dental work and how much experience they have. Your questions can also lay the groundwork for understanding the way their office works, when to schedule cleanings, and what services are offered in the office. Come visit Eckland Family Dentistry today for a consultation in one of our four locations Redmond (Colby & Kale), Everett, and Woodinville.